Smart Knives - How they work.
Smart Knives

We preset the blade protrusion to expose a few microns more than the thickness of the range of materials the unit is designed to cut.
When your plotter is cutting correctly the coloured nose cap will run very close to the media but will not normally touch it.
If the knife force/pressure is accidentally set too high or if the media lifts because it is uneven or obstructed the nose cap will make contact with the media and prevent excessive blade penetration.
Excessive blade penetration can jam media by pinning it to the cutting platen.
This is a major cause of damage to blades and cutting platens that can also cause expensive damage to plotters by straining cutting heads and other fragile mechanisms.
(as they all too frequently do!)
Smart knives eliminate or substantially reduce the risk of damage to machines and materials.
Smart Knives are accurate, cost effective and incredibly easy to use.
If you don’t already use them you should try them.
We supply them to try on a “sale or return” basis.
We never get them back!